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54.5% of Office Workers in N.Ireland Predicting an End of 9-to-5 Day

A recent survey by Recruitment Consultancy 9-2-3 who specialise in 'finding jobs to fit school hours' (love this!) showed that flexibility is often the third most important key influence on career choices after pay and location. A browse through the regional job boards often highlights the limited range of flexible jobs on offer, job share or part time. As technology and digitisation continues to develop at a rapid rate, it is definitely a good time for employers to take 54.4% of workers in N.Ireland seriously. For me, flexibility is a deal breaker, dare I say ranked above pay and rewards for me.

For information on designing and integrating flexible, practical working arrangements, then get in touch. Email or telephone +44(0) 28 28 274434 for an appointment.

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